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sit up

n. (alternative spelling of sit-up nodot=1 English); (alternative spelling of situp nocap=1 English) vb. 1 (context intransitive English) To assume a sitting position from a position lying down. 2 (context intransitive English) To sit erect. 3 (context intransitive English) To show interest or surprise. 4 To rise.

sit up
  1. v. not go to bed; "Don't stay up so late--you have to go to work tomorrow"; "We sat up all night to watch the election" [syn: stay up]

  2. change to an upright sitting position; "He sat up in bed"

Usage examples of "sit up".

By this time the techs are on the bus, after the hotel-exit scrum but before the Saginaw-entrance scrum, and since it's only a ten-minute ride they have their cameras down and sticks retracted but all their gear still strapped on, which forces them to sit up uncomfortably straight and wince at bumps, and in the Pimpmobile's mirrored ceiling they look even more like sci-fi combat troops on their way to some alien beachhead.

I sit up on the couch and speak slowly, being careful, like I'm guiding her through this thing.

Its effect when he went to his own rooms was to make him sit up half the night, thinking over again, under a new irritation, all that he had before thought of his having settled in Middlemarch and harnessed himself with Mr.

Himself, mostly, Ding decided, setting the newspaper down and looking again at the photo of John Conor Chavez, who'd just learned to sit up and smile.

So long as I think my dog can bark, I will not sit up to bark for him.

You sit up there in your ivory tower, thinking you're too high-minded and pure to deal with grubby things like business and finance!

The cowl which protected our faces from the rush of the wind that was generated even by our relatively slow speed was not sufficiently high to permit us to change our positions to any considerable degree, though occasionally we found it a relief to sit up with our backs toward the bow and thus relieve the tedium of remaining constantly prone in one position.

In a few days I had so far recovered my health that I could sit up all day, and walk out sometimes.